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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: TGD inspired cosmology, TGD INSPIRED COSMOLOGY 2. Primordial phase: a) Gas of cosmic strings in M^4_+behaving in good appro ximation as 1-D objects. b) Space-time sheets have not yet emerged so that one cannot speak of cosmology in ordinary sense. c) Since horizon radius for M^4_+ is infinite the string gas is in ther- mal eqiulibrium and iso- tropy and homogenuity hold true and is very natural since this guaran- tees Lorentz invariance at imbedding space level. d) String gas transforms later to gas of flux tubes in M^4_+ but preserves its long range correla- tions due to Lorentz invariance. e) String gas is in Hage- dorn temperature T_H= hbar/R(CP_2): pumped energy goes to vibrational rather than translational degrees of freedom. f) Density of strings behaves as 1/a^2, where a is M^_+ proper time and defines the Lorentz invariant cosmic scale factor. Mass per como- ving volume is propor- tional to a and goes to zero., TGD INSPIRED COSMOLOGY 4. a) Since TGD cosmology is fractal critical periods are expected to appear in all scales. The accelera- tion of expansion assigned with later cosmology could also reflect the presence of phase transition. b) The asymptotic cosmo- logy implied by the condition that the energy momentum tensor defined by Einstein tensor defines conserved quantities is also string dominated. The interpreta- tion is that dark energy as- sociated with topologically condensed cosmic strings begins to dominate., TGD INSPIRED COSMOLOGY 3. Critical period: a) A phase transition gene- rating space-time sheetes containing topologically condensed cosmic strings. b) Quantum criticality re- quires that mass density for space-time sheets is critical and 3-D curvature scalar vanishes since all local dimensional parame- ters must vanish by scale invariance. c) The imbeddability of critical cosmology fixes it uniquely apart from its duration (same applies in over-critical case). Time evolution of Hubble constant is same in critical and over-critical situation. d) In the beginning Hubble constant behaves like 1/a and g_aa is in good appro- ximation equal to 1. Silent whisper amplified to Big Bang. e) At some time a_1 the induced metric would become Euclidian and mass density would diver- ge. A phase transition to radiation dominated cosmo- logy must take place before this., TGD INSPIRED COSMOLOGY 3. f) Below a_1 expansion becomes very fast and accelerating. This is the TGD counterpart for inflationary expansion and generates ordinary and dark matter as the magnetic energy of cosmic strings decays to particles. g) The expansion smooths out inhomogenities of mass density but also gene- rates large density fluctua- tions near a_1. Since the ti- me a_f<a_1 for the transit- ion to radiation dominated cos- mology must have distribu- tion, also the final mass density has distribution. This gives rise to the fluctuations of CMB temperature. h) Also gravitonic background is generated near the end period and one can understand why B-modes reflecting the interactions of CMB with gravi- tons are unexpectedly large. i) The web formed by cosmic strings provides a microscopic description for the generation of density fluctuations and for- mation of galaxies (pearls in necklace) identifiable as nodes at which two cosmic strings meet., TGD INSPIRED COSMOLOGY 1. Relies on: a) sub-manifold gravity: cosmologies imbeddable in H= M^4_+×CP_2 im- plying extremely powerful constra- ints on cosmology as analogs of con- straint forces. b) many-sheeted space-time concept implying fractal Russian doll like cosmology c) zero energy on- tology allowing to avoid conflict with Poincare invariance. d) Cosmic strings dominating in primor- dial cosmology before emergence of space- time sheets and later evolving to magnetic tic flux tubes serving as templates for the formation of various astrophysical objecs e) Dark matter reali- as h_eff=n×h phases and dark energy iden- tified as Kahler mag- netic energy of flux tubes.